The command line is a text-based interface used to execute commands and manage files and processes on a computer.

How To Install Webmin on Ubuntu 18.04

Webmin is open source control panel for linux machine, it is mainly use for server as file transfer, email configuration and other servers configuration using modern user interface.

Here is the step to install the Webmin on ubuntu

1) Open the command prompt of your server and switch to root user

2) Now add webmin repository to source list file using command or any editor

vi /etc/apt/sources.list

and add this line at bottom of file 

Bash tab-completion not working ubuntu

Hi, this article is related to bash tab completion is not working for specfic user on ubuntu/linux systems.

are you also facing the same, then this article is for you

The reason may be is that you create the new user for the system with /bin/sh and that user pointing to /bin/sh instead of /bin/bash after login.So you can change user's login shell with the 'chsh' command

sudo chsh -s /bin/bash <username>

And if you still getting the issue with root user also then you should do simpily

error: AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message

Hi guys,

Did you faced the this issue while configuring the apache on your server, then you are on the right totorial,

Error: AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message


you need to set the Global ServerName Directive for your apache configuration, apache use this map incoming HTTP requests to an IP address

Just follow the step, 

1) IF you are on ubuntu OS 

SSH and Transfer Files/Folders using Putty Private Key (.ppk or .pem)

Download Putty - Click Here

To Transfer files and Folder between to computer or remote server using putty .pem or .ppk file is easy.

scp is common and best way to transfer files and folder between to remote servers or local machine.

copy file from one to another system:

scp -i mykey.pem somefile.txt username@my.ip.address.xx:/path/to/paste


Update the drupal core using drush

##Drush is your friend

I had used Drush previously so I knew it can be a real time saver. For anyone reading this who is not familiar with Drush, it is a command line tool used to manage a Drupal installation and run all kinds of Drupal commands. Such as: run cron, clear caches, make backups, install modules etc. If you do Drupal development and are not using Drush, you really should. It saves you time and makes working with Drupal more enjoyable by not having to click around the Drupal admin interface that much. Drush is your friend.

Important SSH Commands

Copy folder from one location to another by excluding specified folder .

 - rsync -av --progress sourcefolder /destinationfolder --exclude thefoldertoexclude

Create and Extract Archives

To extract a ZIP file, you can use:


To extract a Tar file, you can use:

-tar -xvf archive.tar

To extract a Tar.Gz file, you can use:

-tar -zxvf archive.tar.gz

To extract a Rar file, you can use:

-rar x archive.rar

To create tar.gz

tar -zcf archive-name.tar.gz foldername/

Drush Installation


Steps to installing drush using composer on server

- login to putty

- check the composer is install and working by "composer --version"

- For installing drush type - composer global require drush/drush:7.* (a process is running up wait until complete-see below)

Changed current directory to /home/fsinnw1evfmi/.composer

./composer.json has been created

Loading composer repositories with package information

Updating dependencies (including require-dev)

  - Installing symfony/yaml (v2.8.36)

Check the size of folder, files and directories using SSH

Following commands(In Bold) used for different purpose 

1. Use df -h For check out the used space, free space and total space From all the partitions.

2. Use du -h For check all folder size of current directory recursively with there name and path.

3. Use du -sh to check the size of current directory.

4. Use du -h filename to check space of particular folder in current directory.

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